
Here's some of my favorites from my portfolio. Many of my motherhood and editorial columns are posted in my blog as well, along with a handful of excerpts from my novel.

Writer's Digest
  • 5-Minute Memoir. This ran in the March/April 2014 issue of Writer's Digest. An essay that was so personal and sad for me... that I dreaded its publication. But when it came out, I danced around my kitchen anyway.

Motherhood Column - my favs
  • Not Riding the Iceman. Again, this was a blog post that got lots of attention. And it was something I was almost afraid to confess.

Traverse Magazine
  • Gliding Toward The Sun - This was one of the best days of my life. The sun, the frozen lake, silence, bald eagles.
  • AuSable Marathon - HUP all night - You will have to read this to believe that I run around with a bunch of crazy women in the dark, in the river, at night with plastic bags and tubes. 
  • Snowmobile Party Town - Scariest story assignment in a long time. Me, a bunch of guys and lots of beer. And me without my snowmobile.

 Traverse City Business News

Grand Traverse Woman