Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Motherhood: Running with kids at home

I've started running, something I swore I’d never do. Why? I like the way I feel when I roar back into the house in the morning with the taste of sweat in my mouth, my tank sticking to my back, grit on my face and a blue bandana flopping on my head.

And that it's a workout I can do with no babysitter needed. Sure, working out with the children underfoot isn’t ideal. But when they're out of school for the summer, you need to get creative. Here's a few tips for when you want to get exercise done and over without a lot of pre-planning and babysitter procuring:

First, put the kids in a hypnotic state:
It's time to relax your rules on Wii playing. I can only run for 30-40 minutes straight. This is barely a good run at Mario Galaxy II. The children will still be arguing over who gets to be Luigi by the time you are done.